Wellness Treatments
NVC Compassionate Communication
What is Compassionate Communication?
I have studied and practiced Compassionate Communication for many years, also known as NVC by Marshall B. Rosenberg. This is a learned skill on how to guide and reframe how you express yourself by focusing on observations, feelings, needs, and requests.
Learn to resolve conflicts with WIN/WIN results.
Learn how to hear and say no without guilt or resentment.
Free yourself from blame and shame.
Connect more deeply with yourself and others, and much more.
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“Non-violent communication was not something I was familiar with. When Nancy asked if I had an hour to spare, I felt compelled to say yes and it was one decision I will always be grateful to have made. I always believed that I was present, fully in the moment, and able to really embrace the now.
What I could not admit to myself was so many of my choices were leading me down a path where I thought I was not capable or deserving of a genuine connection that I greatly desired.
Through her well-learned techniques, Nancy safely allowed me the space and environment to ask myself important questions based on real observation and fact. I was at what I felt was a crossroads in my life but through her amazing communication skills, she provided me with the resources and daily practices to continually work at meeting my own needs. She said something that really stuck with me. “Love comes through you, not to you.” Embracing this as a fact has opened me up in a way I never allowed myself to believe possible. I think of all the money, energy, and time I’ve spent on my physical appearance and how little I had done in the maintenance of something much more important such as identifying my needs, my values, my wants, and my hope for myself and my life. Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Thank you, Nancy, for providing me the tools to lead a fully present life. I’ve found my song and I’m singing it daily.”
– Loretta D.